2011年6月13日美國簽證面簽(成都篇) |
下面是一位同學2011年6月13日在成都進行的美國簽證面簽內容,通過這位同學的面簽過程,在成都進行面簽的同學可以作為一個參考。 I:Good afternoon Sir, I am applying for F1 Visa VO:Yes. Which uinversity?(聲音異常小) I: I am sorry VO:(repeat) I:University of Pittsburgh Vo: Major? I: you mean my previous major? Vo: XXXX major? I(還是沒聽清):information science(反正本科和碩士都是那個專業,管他哪一個) Vo: Blablalblabla I:(sorry)(我的臉快貼到玻璃窗上瞭,為瞭聽清) Vo:oh~(他才發現自己沒開話筒)狂暈~~~~(打開話筒) Vo: what kind of field will you focus on in this major? I: ebusiness and information communication field. I'd like to work as an IT consultant in the future. And my undergraduate study are more related to management. I want to learn more technology. Then I choose school of information in UPitts. Vo:what kind of database will you use? (汗~~,莫非他是IT專業) I: Oracle……(害怕他問我專業問題,就老實點的說)I will use Oracle in the future study. Since now I have only used Access from microsoft office to do a project. (他瘋狂敲擊鍵盤,我以為結束瞭~~) Vo:Then have you ever been abroad? I: Yes~ Vo: What country? I: United States. Vo:(開始研究我的簡歷)Can you give me your old passpart? I:(很鎮定)I have lost my passport in the United States. However, I reported it immediately to the police, and this is my certificate for reporting(趕緊遞上警察親筆簽名的護照丟失上報證明);I also have a copy of my previous passport and VISA(趕緊遞上非常舊的一張,用瞭無數次快斷掉的舊護照和簽證的復印件). Vo(看我的certificate for reporting ,極為專註,然後又開始狂敲鍵盤) Vo:what you parents do? I: My dad is blabla……My Mum is blabla…… Vo:what your Mum's company? I:Tobacco (害怕他沒聽懂,或者以為是不好的東西) Ciggarette company. VO: how much will they earn? I(準備拿存款證明) Vo:just tell me their anual income. I(粗略算算):100,000 a year Vo: all right~~ I(非常非常淡定,淡定得出奇) VO(撕瞭一頁藍紙,我知道我過瞭)here you are. Go and pay for the post fees. I: thank you very much(一臉堆笑) Tags:sat tutor,sat tutoring,sat course,sat prep,sat ii,sat subject test tutor,sat private tutoring,private sat tutoring,sat exam preparation,sat preparation,sat test tutor,SEO,Hosting,Web Hosting,網頁寄存,網站寄存,網頁設計,Web Design,EDM,seo |
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